Exodul muncitorilor

Precum raporteaza majoritatea economistilor plictisiti de la Bloomberg, romanii pleaca la lucru in strainatate. Deosebit de afectat ar fi domeniul constructiilor. Nu cred ca e necesar sa citesc rapoarte, ci o simpla aruncare de privire in cercul de cunoscuti imi confirma trendul.

Pentru public, un exemplu din multe:


“Ponderea românilor de 20-64 de ani care trăiesc în alte state membre ale UE a crescut cu 12,3 puncte procentuale în ultimul deceniu, de la 7,4%, în 2007, la 19,7%, în 2017. “

Social media raspunde cu doua argumente tipice:

Salariul din occident e mult mai mare, oamenii mult mai civilizati si coruptia nu exista.

Angajatorii romani sunt niste sclavagii obraznici, care trebuie pedepsiti prin greva cu metoda “timpul trece, leafa merge”.

Daca ma intrebati pe mine, argumentele sunt stupide, dar am ales sa nu intru in polemici pe Facebook, pentru simplul motiv ca experinta m-a invatat: nu poti sa invingi prostul.

Fenomenul exista in toate tarile moderne, suedezii parasesc Suedia pentru ca e prea frig, finalandezii parasesc Finlanda pentru ca e prea intuneric. Americanii se muta de pe coasta de vest, pe coasta de est, doar ca sa mearga la facultate. Francezii nu se muta nicaieri pentru ca s-au nascut cu accentul stricat iremediabil si nu sunt acceptati de nimeni, dar sa lasam gluma deoparte.


Un caz concret. Germania. O tara unde produsul intern brut pentru anul trecut cuprinde 3300 miliarde de euro, locuri de munca exista fara limita si exista autoritati care reglementeaza riguros drepturile muncitorilor. Mai ales munca pe santier este supusa zilnic inspectiilor adresatat atat angajatorilor cat si muncitorilor, care au de indeplinit anumite norme de siguranta si calitate.

Cat castiga un muncitor pe santier in Germania ?

Un muncitor cu varsta de 49 de ani, 20 de ani experienta, full-time, 30 zile concediu:

32.300 euro BRUT pe an


Dupa plata impozitului, respectivul ramane cu 1730 euro cash pe luna, adica 8000 lei.

Argumentul matematic deja a generat hormonii fericirii in imaginatia unora, dar oare inteleg ei si fenomenul de globalizare ? Piata locala a adaptat salariile la preturi. Un apartament modest din Bucuresti (50 m²) se inchiriaza cu 400 de euro pe luna. Acelasi apartament in Berlin costa dublu. O bere la terasa costa 4 euro. As putea sa continui…

Cum este tratat un angajat pe santier ?

Cititi cartea lui Nicholas Grünke, un tip care lucra ca manager de arta la Londra pe 4700 de euro, dar la 32 de ani a fost nevoit sa inceapa munca pe santier


Pentru cei cu afinitate dedicata anumitor partide sau miscari politice sau pentru cei cu corectitudinea exagerata, exista replica potrivita, de la conducerea Strabag, un colos din domeniu:

Warum sorgen Sie nicht selbst für Ordnung auf Ihren Baustellen?

Peter Hübner: „Kontrollen auf dem Bau sind kaum noch möglich. Fragen Sie einen polnischen Arbeiter nach seinem Stundenlohn, lacht der freundlich und zückt oftmals gefälschte Papiere. Wie wollen Sie das als Unternehmer nachweisen? Wir fordern daher eine personell stark aufgestellte Finanzkontrolle Schwarzarbeit und eine deutlich verbesserte Zusammenarbeit der Behörden in Europa.“

  Exemple de angajatori tepari sunt prea multe:


OK? Parerea mea ramane:

Oameni de pretutindeni ajung la un moment in viata lor cand se muta din tara natala pentru a urma o oportunitate de cariera, financiara sau academica mai buna, chiar daca sunt constransi financiar sau nu.



Why do we cheat …  and why do happy people cheat?

When we say infidelity, what exactly do we mean?

Is it a hook up, love story, chat room, massage with happy endings, paid sex ?

Why do we think that men cheat because of boredom and fear of intimacy?

Why do women cheat  out of loneliness and hunger for intimacy ?


Is an affair always is the end of a relationship ?

Hundreds of couples have been shattered by infidelity.

An affair, Is one simple act of transgression that can rob a couple of their relationship, happiness, identity.

And yet, this extremely common act is so poorly understood.

This lines are written for the anyone who ever loved.


Adultery has existed since marriage was invented and also the taboo against it.

Infidelity has a tenacity that marriage can only envy.

Therefore it is the only commandment repeated twice in the Bible, once for doing it and once just for thinking about it.




How do we reconcile what is universally forbidden, yet universally practiced.

Throughout history, men had the license to cheat with little consequence, supported by the evolutionary and biologically theories which justified their need to roam.

This double standard is as old as adultery itself.

Who knows what is really going on under the sheets?

When it comes to the sexual act, the pressure for men is to boast and exaggerate.

The pressure for women is to hide, minimize and deny. Which isn’t surprising.

Monogamy used to be 1 person for life, now a person at a time.


I am monogamist in all my relationships. ( many of you have said )

We used to marry and had sex for the first time, but now we marry and stop having sex with others.

Monogamy had nothing to do with love:

Men relied on woman’s fidelity to know who’s children these are and who gets the cows when I die.


Everyone wants to know what percentage of people cheat. It applies to you!

The definition of infidelity keeps expanding: sexting, watching porn, staying secretly active on dating apps, because there is no universal agreed  upon a definition of what even constitutes an infidelity act.

On top of it we are walking contradictions: 95 % will say is terrible wrong for our partner to lie about having  an affair. The same amount of us will say that that’s exactly they would do, lie to their partner if they had an affair.

I like this definition of an affair, it brings together 3 Key elements:

Secretive relationship, which is the core structure of an affair

Emotional connection to 1 degree or another

A sexual alchemy, where alchemy is the key word here:


The erotic frisson is such, that he The kiss that you imagine giving can be as powerful and as enchanting as hours of love making.


It’s our imagination that is responsible for love, not the other person



It’s never been easier to cheat and never more difficult to keep a secret.

Infidelity has never exacted such a psychological tall.

When marriage was an economic enterprise, infidelity threatened our economic security.

Now marriage is a romantic arrangement, infidelity threatens our emotional security.

Ironically, we used to turn to adultery, that was the space where we sought pure love.


But now, we seek love in marriage and adultery destroys it.

Infidelity hurts different today:

We have a romantic ideal in which we turn to one person to fulfill and endless list of needs:

Best parent, trusted confident, emotional companion, intellectual equal:

Here I am, I am indispensable, irreplaceable,  I’m unique,  I am the one,

Infidelity tells me I am not. It is the ultimate betrayal.

Infidelity shatters the great ambition of love.

In history infidelity has been painful, today it is often traumatically.

It threatens our sense of self:

” I thought I knew my life, I thought I knew who we were, who we were as a couple”

Violation of trust, a crisis of identity:

Can I trust again ?

Jada Pinkett Smith hurt by biopic in new Tupac movie

Jada Pinkett-Smith wants y’all to know one thing: The new Tupac Shakur biopic, All Eyez On Me, is full of alternative facts…at least when it comes to her portrayal with ‘Pac.


In case y’all haven’t heard by now, Pac’s estate has just released his biopic in theaters, under much anticipation from his millions of fans. It damn near had a chance for the rolling credits of it’s first showing to roll, before Jada stared sounding off on social media about it.

In her continued effort to get the message across that although she and ‘Pac kissed ‘once’ back in the day and that they were ‘just friends,’ she had a lot to say about the portrayal of their ‘friendship’ in All Eyez On Me.Screen-Shot-2017-06-16-at-2.10.49-PM

Demetrius Shipp (as Tupac) and Kat Graham (as Jada Pinkett) in “All Eyez On Me” biopic

As many of us know, Jada and Tupac were really ‘good friends’ ever since they attended high school together in Baltimore, MD in the 80’s. So it was only natural that she be included in the film. However, apparently she didn’t have any input into her portrayal though, because on Twitter she went off about specific parts of the film she says are straight up lies.


Jada took issue with a poem that ‘Pac wrote about his deep love for her. Although she didn’t deny that the poem (shown below) is real, she says she didn’t even know it existed until after Pac’s post-humous poetry book was released. She also said that they never argued backstage at his show- a scene that was in the biopic.

Tupac’s poem to Jada     Screen-Shot-2017-06-16-at-2.11.13-PM


Although she’s “deeply” hurt” by her portrayal, she still kept it classy by giving actor, Demetrius Shipp (‘Tupac’), and actress, Kat Graham (‘Jada’), their props for their excellent acting in the film.


Check Jada’s flurry tweets:





Germany soon to remove Diesel

Pollution meters are running red in Germany’s big cities, environmental protests are increasing and actions being taking by responsible politicians such as Winfried Kretschmann, member of  “the Greens” party.

The “dieselgate” scandal began when Volkswagen was caught cheating emissions tests in the US but it is now clear that almost all cars emit far more nitrogen dioxide than regulators intended. Major cities in Europe such as Madrid, Athens, Paris are taking similar actions to keep Diesel away and the engine will disappear sooner as expected.


Stuttgart – Germany 

Engines which are lower as the EURO 6 norm will be banned in certain areas and also during rush hour traffic. Affected will be almost 13 Million vehicles.


On February 21st, Stuttgart, for the first time a city in Germany, adopted a driving ban for diesel vehicles that do not comply with the EURO 6 standard. Stuttgart is one of the dirtiest cities in Germany in terms of air quality, polluted with fine dust and NOx. The geographic location of the city, which is situated in a valley trap, and its transport infrastructure mean that the pollutants remain in and over the city for a long time. Stuttgart had long fought for the introduction of the Blue Plaquette (NOx plaque), but so far, like other German cities, the German Minister of Transport ,Dobrindt has been slowed down the process.
Like its predecessors, it has consistently defended the interests of the car manufacturers and has reduced their proven and suspected exhaust gas mishandling, rather than taking an intensive look at the fact that diesel engines finally reach the exhaust gas values ​​in real operation which previously suggested the potential buyers an environmentally compatible car.

Owners of the other diesel engine standards will be able to upgrade to the “Blue Badge” ( die Blaue Plakette ) after a visit to a certified inspection unit.



Are you working too much ?

Are you living to work or are you working to live ? Already got a second job to get over with the finances ? Nobody to take care of the kids ? Your girlfriend complaining that you barely see each other ?

This article should not backfire against the anti-laziness campaigns out there! I totally encourage a productive society. The critical outside will say “I don’t want to be part of the ongoing and rising economical exploitation”.




If you worked the past 10 years the same job, which consists of repetitive action, day and night shifts, doing the same story over and over again, AND you still wish for a succesful career, now it’s the time to change! You cannot hope for succes while doing the same every day. Bring some change in your life. I believe in the phrase “do what you love and you will never have to work a day in your life”.

Furthermore, if you think that your academic preparation does not help you to make a step ahead, that’s completely wrong!  There is always auto-didactics and people who are willing to mentor you if you just show the right attitude.

Work-life balance

Even if you are a hard and passionate worker, you should not exagerate with over-time schedules and get a feeling on the amount spent at work and with friends or family. The results of doing the opposite will get you in a state of “fast-forwarding”, routine and can lead even to burn-out. A productive person does not spend more than 6 hours of work a day and in modern countries like Sweden it has already been adopted to the normal work week. The time spent at work does not have to be continuous, you should teach yourself how to work in “bursts” and use the 45 minutes work and 15 minutes break technique. Thas should not bring you out of focus if you are clearly into what you’re doing.


Financial freedom

Bring it one step further and stop wasting your money on new headphones or jewels. Buy instead the things which could generate income on their own and bring a passive income.  A house and a car are an example of active income, which cost a lot of money and will always generate new costs. There are hundreds of examples on how to generate passive income like writing book reviews and monetize the content, affiliate marketing, stock investments. Find the one which is most suitable for you!



Are you seeking true love ?

What if the right person never shows up ? Are you willing to give up your dreams and take the first guy or girl who is close enough to what you really want?

Are you an idealist or a realist person ? will you be able to accept the person next to you with all the flaws and weaknesses you wouldn’t like to see ?

These questions will make you first run an introspection and tell in the end of the topic what you really want.

La Rochefoucauld — ‘There are some people who would never have fallen in love if they had not heard there was such a thing.’

More romantic people tend to be vocally in favor of more romantic fidelity in my experience. If you think about it though, faith in romance is not a very romantic ideal. True love should overcome all things! The highest mountains, the furthest distances, social classes, families, inconveniences, ugliness, but NOT previous love apparently. There shouldn’t be any competition there. The love that got there first is automatically the better one, winning the support and protection of the sentimental against all other love on offer. Other impediments are allowed to test love, sweetened with ‘yes, you must move a thousand miles apart, but if it’s really true love, he’ll wait for you’. You can’t say, ‘yes, he has another girlfriend, but if you really are better for him he’ll come back – may the truest love win!’.


True Love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen.

Idealistic love is attraction, intimacy, perfection.

Realistic love is attraction AND attachment, intimacy AND commitment and perfection found in imperfection.Everyone wants to be in idealistic love.Fact: It only happens in fantasies, movies and brief encounters with sexy strangers.Where does idealistic love stem from?

Fact: A fairytale. ‘The princess and the prince lived happily ever after and never fought, swore, punished their children, found faults in one another or divorced’. It’s a lovely daydream that we all imagine having one day before waking up to find we’ve let a little drool escape its way out of our mouth and onto our pillows.

Media manipulation

Media manipulation is a series of related techniques in which partisans create an image or argument that favours their particular interests.

A resurgent dictatorship ? 

Where old-school authoritarians relied on traditional forms of censorship and ideologically-oriented propaganda to maintain control over their populations, modern authoritarians are adopting increasingly sophisticated methods to influence public opinion and shape political narratives. By restricting space for independent media outlets, policing the Internet, sponsoring fake think tanks, and relying on state-owned or state-friendly media assets, autocrats keep dissenting views out of the news and manipulate political discourse.
These efforts do not stop at their own borders. Authoritarian regimes invest extensive time, resources, and manpower in state-owned international media efforts to head off external criticism of their activities, distort public discourse, and promote their own counternarratives.
